Maine Coon Facts and Questions
How big will my Maine Coon grow? The eventual size of your kitten depends on a lot of thing – lines, food, health etc. There is no way to tell. Its like children. The parents are the same but all the children will grow at their own rates and eventual size. We make no guarantees as to the eventual size of your kitten.
When will my Maine Coon get their ‘mane’? There are a lot of coat lengths in the Maine Coon breed. Not all get a mane. If your kitten is going to be one that does create a mane then it usually comes after their first moult at around a year.
What do I feed my kitten? When you take home a Fullofcharm kitten you will be given lots of information include what to feed and what litter to use etc.
Does Fullofcharm do health testing? We have been breeding for a while now and all of our original breeders were dna tested to make sure we had healthy breeders to start with. In order to update our records in 2020 we retested all of our active breeders. We also heart scan our breeders.
Will my Maine Coon ‘talk’, ‘chirp’ or ‘trill’? Again coonies are all their own indivdual. They will all have their own personalities and temprements. Some will meow – some will trill – some will chirp – some will be quiet. No way to know.